6 ways we are Rugby tackling COVID- 19

With the growing spread of COVID- 19, the virus is taking a heavy toll on the industries and enterprises.

In these desperate times, we are knuckling down to prosper relationships with our design industry families.

Here is how we are performing our part during the pandemic

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If you are not sure, you can get a review by experts at The Dreamer Designs.
Get your website audit done for FREE by a member of Young Jury at AWWWARDS
  1. Several companies are furloughing and firing their workers. We understand the amount of anxiety and pressure one must go through when they lose their job.
    To aid during such unfortunate times we are helping our clients who just lost their jobs by proffering heavy discounts.
  1. Our work enthusiasm hasn’t faded even in such catastrophic cadence. Recently, we worked on a project with 99designs and Squarespace to bring some of the eateries in the US and around the globe go online so they can get work done even during this situation of lockdown.
    We are steadily working and delivering in off-hours as well.
  1. The ongoing apocalypse is clubbing with the economy showing hard times to many enterprises. To hold hands with our family of clients, we are being flexible with payments.
    We have offered longer credits than usual to help keep the community grow.
  1. The Medical teams around the world have been working nothing less than a soldier for their nation. To do our part of the contribution,
    We are offering FREE design audits to doctors, nurses, and medical staff.
  1. With social distancing being the recent global trend, remote work is the only answer for most of the industries. But many of the employees are inexpert for remote work.
    To help the community, we have settled upon not having pay cuts or lay off for the employees who are unable to take remote work.
  1. Our aim not only has been to keep the community strong but to keep adding members to our family.
    Yes, we are Hiring!
    We have been hiring during the times of pandemic in order to cherry-pick the talents in the market and of course, as a goodwill to the nation and workforce.

Though the times are hard, we are expecting positive outcomes out of the crisis. But it will be hard without your end of assistance. If you are looking for business during the pandemic, You have come to the right place!
You can choose us for guaranteed mutual growth.

To get in touch with us mail us at mailboxofdreamer@gmail.com .
We look forward to hearing from you. Peace out.


But that’s not it!

Go ahead and get a no obligation, absolutely free 20 minutes one-o-one discussion with our experts and get your answers.

Ways you can reach us

We are all ears if you wish to get in touch. Here are several ways you can get in touch with us. We are waiting to hear from you

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