Common WordPress mistakes that are killing your website
Your website represents you in the world of the internet and nobody wants to make a bad impression on the world wide web. A single error in your website might cause a lot more damage than you think. Having an error free WordPress website is not impossible yet it needs a lot of effort. With the help of a professional, you can make your website error free. A regular check-up of your website will help you find the mistakes and rectify them.

Here are a few mistakes that you could be making that might be killing your website.
Not having a child theme
A child theme helps you modify the parent theme, the main theme, without making changes to its design and code. Child themes inherit the functionality and style of its parent theme. If you constantly update your theme and add new elements to it, having a child theme could help you do this quicker. Creating a child theme could be a trickier task if you’re a newbie to the world of designs. To help you with the installation of a child theme you can ask your design team.
Unnecessary pages and plugins
Plugins are a great tool to add functionality to your WordPress website. Click here to read about a few of our favourite WordPress plugins. But sometimes, less is more and having too many unnecessary plugins can affect your website negatively. Make sure to regularly update your website and remove plugins that do not have any use for your website.
The issues with plugins is that sometimes even after deleting these plugins they can leave behind data in your database. These are called orphaned rows and they can cause issues related to security. It is really hard to find these orphaned rows, but one thing that can be done is constantly searching your database for data related to the deleted plugin using the name of it.
Using a plugin that is too big
Various plugins are available for various purposes. Finding the right one that fits your purpose is an art. Sometimes, you might have found a plugin that helps you with something but it might be too big for your WordPress website. You can seek expert help to find a plugin that fits the purpose and the size of your website perfectly.
Having WP admin as the admin page
This is an error that can tamper with the security of your website. Changing your page admin is helps keep your website secure and also create a unique login experience for the users. To change the admin you need to use a plugin. Without plugin, changing the admin might affect the functioning of your website. There are a few plugins that could help you do this, all you need to do is ask your designer to help you find the right one for your brand and website.
Using a free theme
This might seem like a wrong point to be in this article, but the truth is free themes do not always leave a good impression. This might be due to the fact that free themes are not custom made for your website, and might not go hand in hand with your brand. Remember, if you care about your online presence invest in a theme made just for you by expert designers.
Using untrustworthy plugins
Yes, not all plugins might be trustable. Some plugins might not be recognised by WordPress. One should verify that the resources they use are trustworthy and not just another scam. During the recent times, questionable plugins have been gaining spotlight but remember, these might not be legal and might cheat money off of you. Seek help from professionals to learn more about plugins.
Images used
This point cannot be emphasized enough. Do not ever use low quality images and images that don’t go very well with your brand and what you stand for. Invest in good quality images and do not put extremely large images in your website since this tends to make your website slow and you might end up losing visitors.
Outdated themes/PHP version
You might have thought that handling a WordPress website is pretty simple, but the truth is far from it. It is a never ending task and needs constant auditing and check-ups. Experts at The Dreamer Designs are always available to audit your websites and also help you rectify the errors in it.