Yes, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate is highly necessary especially if your website is asking for personal information. Let’s discuss what SSL is before we get into all the “but, do I need it?”
SSL, or secured socket layer, as the name implies secures your website visitors from getting their data stolen. This also helps your website from various cyber crimes such as data breaching. Getting your website SSL certified would change HTTP to HTTPS where the S stands for secure, Hypertext transfer Protocol Secure. When websites without HTTPS ask for personal data people tend to be more cautious around it, and we cannot blame them for being careful about their privacy.
Google has this new policy where they are considering completely protecting their users from insecure sites. This means that whenever someone browses for a website that is not secure they might not come as a search result. Secured websites have a higher SEO ranking.
Now, to answer the actual question of whether or not it is necessary.